1803 C-4 R4 EF45+. Very attractive lustrous steel and chocolate brown mixed with frosty lighter brown toning on both sides. A subtle hint of reddish chocolate toning covers the wreath under AME and the fraction. The fields are smooth and there are only a few trivial marks. These include a tiny rim nick over the right side of the I in LIBERTY, a shallow tick under the first T in STATES, and another over the top of the F in HALF. Just a very light touch of friction on the highest points from mint state. The reverse is rotated 135 degrees CW, the only example known to this cataloger with this rotation. A beautiful example, close to AU50. At the lower end of the condition census which includes only a single mint state coin. Weight 82.9 grains.
Estimated Value $4,000-UP.
Ex Mike Demling 4/2007-Ray Rouse, McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Goldberg's 9/14/2008:48.
The Whister Collection