1804 C-1 R3 VF35. Choice glossy chocolate brown with frosty lighter brown toning in some of the protected areas. A beautiful half cent, just a few tiny ticks on the neck from flawless. LDS, Manley state 2.0, with a very strong die crack arcing through the upper right of the reverse outlining a slightly raised retained cud. Called CC#11 in the Roger S. Cohen, Jr. census list. Noyes photo #73612. Weight 82.8 grains. A premium example and it comes with a nice provenance.
Estimated Value $1,500-UP.
Ex William K. Raymond 1972-Roger S. Cohen, Jr.-R. Tettenhorst-William K. Raymond 1976-Roger S. Cohen, Jr., 1980 EAC Sale, 3/29/1980:55-J. E. Braunworth, Stack's 1/27/1981:11-Ron Guth 2/10/1982.
The Whister Collection