Napoleon I, Letter Signed ("Napoleon") as Emperor, with substantial parts of two sentences crossed out and replaced with corrections in Napoleon's own handwriting, 3¼ pages, 9 x 7¼ inches, Paris, April 18, 1811. To the Count Dumas, Director General of Conscription and Inspection, with detailed instructions regarding increasing to the full complement the number of troops in the various regiments. In small part: "…I will be obliged to raise the reserve soon. See the two ministers of war in order to give me the state of what I will need. The 4 regiments of cavalry which are in Germany will need 400 men to be at the complement of 4400 men….The 4 regiments of light infantry [Chasseurs] will need 360 men to reach the same goal. The 2 regiments of Hussars will have more men than needed. The five regiments of Dragoons which are in Italy will need 500 men to be at the complement of 900 men per regiment. The 5 regiments of light infantry will need 400 men to be equally complete. The regiment of Hussars will need 15 men. The 2 regiments of Carabiniers [heavy cavalry] and the 9 regiments of Cuirassiers [armoured cavalry] which are in the interior will need 900 men….The 3 regiments of light cavalry which are in the interior will need 400 men to be at their complement of 900 men. The 3 regiments which only had one company in the interior will need 400 men.
You will find details in the Office of War Administration. Independently of that, I would like, by calling up the reserve, to increase the strength of five regiments of Dragoons in the Army of Italy by 100 men, and instead of 900 men carry them to 1000 men as well as the strength of the seven regiments of Chasseurs and of the regiment of Hussars. That will make therefore an increase of 1300 men. I would like to carry to 1100 men the eleven regiments of Carabiniers and of Cuirassiers which are in France, instead of 1000 men which is their present strength, as well as the regiment of Hussars which is in France; which will make an increase of 1200 men…." He continues with more details, including the fact that he wants two chapters on the cavalry in the report Dumas will submit to him; it is here that Napoleon crosses out a line and a half of text and writes in his own hand.
Napoleon's relationship with Russia was deteriorating due to Russia's refusal to implement Napoleon's Continental System (restricting trade with Britain) and other slights (see lot 76). He started to build up his forces, as evidenced here, and in June 1812 invaded Russia. It was the beginning of the end for Napoleon.
Estimated Value $15,000-UP
Royalty & Foreign Leaders