[Washington, George] Benjamin O. Tyler Eulogium to Washington. Commemorative engraving representing the nation's love of Washington. Entitled "Eulogium Sacred to the Memory of the Illustrious George Washington, Columbia's Great and Successful Son: Honored be his Name." Designed, written, and published by Benjamin O. Tyler ("professor of penmanship"), New York, 1817. Engraved by P[eter] Maverick, Neward, N. Jersey, 19 x 23 in. An oval portrait of Washington (after Stuart) is surrounded by "Sacred to the Memory of the Brave" and two statements mourning his death are below: "Gen. George Washington departed this life Decr. 14th 1799 AE 67 And the tears of a Nation watered his grave"; and "Washington's no more by silence grief's express'd / Lo! here he lies, his Works proclaim the rest." There are several Masonic symbols and the calligraphic script encompasses figures of angels. Third state of the memorial with Washington's facsimile signature added at lower right. Printed on a thin sheet; some closed tears visible on right side. References: Baker, 404. Hart, 796b. Stauffer, 2232, iii. Housed in a vintage frame, 19¾ x 24¼ in. Not examined out of frame.
Estimated Value $1,600 - 2,000.
U.S. Presidents and First Ladies