[Kennedy Assassination]. Three items related to John F. Kennedy, two of them to the assassination: (1) 13-page testimony of Clinton J. Hill, Special Agent, Secret Service Signed "Clint Hill" at the bottom of pages 1 and 13. Hill, who had been assigned to protect First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy, was in the presidential motorcade with President Kennedy and Mrs. Kennedy in Dallas on November 22, 1963; Hill was in the car immediately behind the Presidential car. In this testimony, he gives a graphic, detailed description of the assassination to a Congressional committee. At the first shot, Hill ran toward the presidential car and just as he reached it, the second shot was fired. He pulled Mrs. Kennedy down into the back seat and threw himself on top of her. Hill continued to protect Mrs. Kennedy and the children until the 1964 presidential election, at which time he was assigned to President Lyndon B. Johnson. (2) Photo Signed and Inscribed, "To: David / The murder of Oswald changed history forever. Det. James Leavelle Ret. Nov 24th 1963," 8 x 10 in. The photo shows Jack Ruby shooting Lee Harvey Oswald as Dallas homocide detective Leavelle was escorting Oswald through the basement of Dallas police headquarters; Leavelle was handcuffed to Oswald. (3) A reel from the archives of the AFL-CIO with a recording of JFK's speech to the AFL-CIO Fifth Constitutional Convention in New York City on November 15, with an introduction by George Meany, president of the AFL-CIO. The reel is 7½ I.P.S., full track.
Estimated Value $800 - 1,000.
U.S. Presidents and First Ladies