Hennepin, Louis P. Carte d'un très grand Pais Nouvellement découvert dans L'Amérique Septentrionale, Entre le Nouveau Mexique et la Mer Glaciale avec le Cours du Grand Fleuve Meshasipi dediée à Gulliaume IIIe ., Leiden, 1704. Uncolored, 14¾ x 17½". A striking example of Hennepin's map of the eastern and midwestern portions of North America, from his Nouvelle Découverte d'un Très Grand Pays. One the earliest and most important depictions of the Great Lakes, Mississippi Valley and Ohio Valley. Although a considerable improvement over earlier maps, the Great Lakes are still oversized, Hudson Bay is too far east and the Mississippi River is too far west, with its mouth in what is present-day Texas (based upon La Salle's report).
Father Louis Hennepin (1626-1705) was a Catholic priest and a missionary of the Franciscan Recollect order. He accompanied René-Robert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle (1643-1687) on part of his journey down the Mississippi in 1682. An excellent summary of the state of knowledge of North America, at the beginning of the 18th century. Among other things, this map attempts to place into perspective Hennepin's mapping of the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River. Karpinski noted that Hennepin's delineations of Lakes Superior, Michigan and Huron are remarkable improvements upon the Sanson maps. Hennepin first brought the attention of the world to Niagara Falls and Saint Anthony Falls. In 1683, he published his book, "A New Discovery" about Niagara Falls.
Estimated Value $1,500 - 2,000