van Keulen, Johannes. Pas Kaart Van West Indien Behelsende soo Deszelffs Vaste Kusten als d'Onder behoorende Eylanden a. Amsterdam, c. 1680. 20 x 23", uncolored. Showing the East and Gulf Coasts of the United States. One of the most decorative and desirable sea charts of the 17th Century. From Canada to Venezuela, the coastline of the Western Atlantic Ocean is shown with hundreds of place names. Cuba and Florida are in the center of the map, and the "South Sea" (De Zuyd Zee) is at top left. Lovely decorative title cartouche; the waters below "Barmuda" hold a sailing ship and a wind rose. The van Keulen family was known for its sea charts. They published a volume of sea charts, the
Zee-Fakkel, in 1681-82, which continued to be printed up to 1800 and was published in over 120 editions.
Estimated Value $2,500 - 3,500.
The Hunter Collection of Antique Maps