1652 Massachusetts Oak Tree Shilling Noe-14 Rarity-4 VF25. Choice glossy light steel gray with darker gray toning in the protected areas. The planchet is smooth and displays only a few trivial signs of contact. A tiny scratch at the left side of the N in NEW is a good identifying mark. The obverse is slightly misaligned to the bottom leaving the tops of IN and the adjacent MA off the planchet, but everything else is complete and easily readable. The reverse is perfectly centered with complete legends. The date and XII denomination are bold. A very nice, well-balanced example of the "Spiny Tree" type. Listed on pages 38-39 in the 2013 edition of the "Redbook." Weight 68.7 grains.
Estimated Value $1,500-UP.
Ex 2003 C-4 Sale, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 11/8/2003:2 (lot ticket included).
U.S. Colonial and Copper Coins,