1843 N-3 R3+ MS62. The obverse is frosty light steel brown with traces of faded mint red. The reverse is glossy steel brown with 25% of the red remaining. A tiny speck of carbon on the nose before the eyelash and a small splash of reddish brown toning at the dentils under the wreath ribbon are the only notable defects, and they are trivial. The reverse is choice.
MDS, die state b. The lump has formed on the top of E in CENT and the die lines over ER are dull but visible. CC#4 in the Grellman census. DWH #2024.
Estimated Value $650-UP.
Ex McCawley & Grellman Auctions 6/5/93:315-R. S. Brown, Jr., McCawley & Grellman Auctions/Superior 6/2/2002:117.
The Dan Holmes Collection of Late Date Large Cents