1772 Imitation British Halfpenny Reverse Brockage VF25. Glossy chocolate and steel brown. The surfaces are smooth and there are just a few minor contact marks. A tiny planchet lamination at the waist of the seated figure on the normal (not incuse) side is the best identifying mark. This is a full reverse brockage with no offset (shift) between the normal and incuse sides. These error strikes occur when a planchet is struck between the reverse die and the reverse of a previously struck piece that remained in the coining chamber of the press. The date and legends are readable on both sides. A very nice example of this type of mint error. Listed on page 65-6 in the "Redbook." Weight 115.4 grains.
Estimated Value $100-UP.
Ex 2003 C-4 Sale, McCawley & Grellman Auctions 11/8/2003:525 (lot ticket included).
U.S. Colonial and Copper Coins,